
MRI Fusion Biopsy

MRI Fusion Biopsy services offered in Miami, FL

MRI fusion biopsy provides highly detailed images of your prostate gland and allows for safe and accurate tissue sampling. Modern Urology specialists Jose Vilaro, MD, and Adam De Fazio, MD, JD, use this type of biopsy to precisely identify the part of your prostate requiring testing so they can take a small tissue sample and make an accurate diagnosis. Call the Miami, Florida, office or use the provided online scheduling link to arrange your MRI fusion biopsy now.

MRI Fusion Biopsy Q&A

What is MRI fusion biopsy?

MRI fusion biopsy is a newer technology that combines ultrasound imaging and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This test produces very detailed images of your prostate gland so your Modern Urology specialist can detect suspicious growths and other tissue abnormalities.

Then, they take a small sample of the suspicious area for testing. 

When might I need an MRI fusion biopsy?

Your Modern Urology doctor might recommend an MRI fusion biopsy if you have an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) score or if they detect a potential abnormality during a digital rectal exam. 

MRI fusion biopsy is often the next step if you’ve had a history of traditional prostate biopsies but have possible indicators of prostate cancer. 

How is MRI fusion biopsy better than traditional prostate biopsy?

The traditional prostate biopsy method involves taking multiple tissue samples from various random areas throughout your prostate gland, but that method could easily miss the specific area of concern. With MRI fusion biopsy, your doctor can view and target suspicious tissue with peak accuracy.

How does MRI fusion biopsy work?

MRI fusion biopsy is an outpatient procedure. You’ll receive local anesthesia to keep you comfortable, but you could feel some pressure or discomfort when your provider inserts the ultrasound probe in your anus. 

The probe gathers images that your doctor can view on a screen nearby. Your provider determines the best spot to take tissue samples and then inserts a needle in the perineal skin between your scrotum and anus. They gather tissue samples through the needle.

Modern Urology is one of few urology practices in Miami to use the transperineal approach to MRI fusion biopsy. The traditional approach, in which the needle goes into the rectum, carries a higher risk of contamination and infection, with 1-2 of every 100 men experiencing sepsis (a potentially fatal infection) after the biopsy.  

MRI fusion biopsy with the transperineal approach carries a significantly lower risk of sepsis. After your MRI fusion biopsy, you’ll receive antibiotics to lower your infection risk even further. 

If you have symptoms of prostate cancer or worrisome test results, an MRI fusion biopsy can provide answers and help you find the right treatment. To schedule your biopsy, call Modern Urology or click on the online scheduling feature today.